Saturday, December 19, 2009

Paging Bing and Laura

It's almost certainly going to be a White Christmas in Media, Pennsylvania this year!  We're sitting through one of the biggest December snowstorms in recent memory, with as much as 17 inches of snow expected before it ends tomorrow.  That may not sound very impressive to those of you who live in Maine or Massachusetts, but I've lived south of New England long enough that anything over a foot now qualifies as a blizzard.

Maureen and I recently re-read the fantastic Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, describing pioneer life during the late nineteenth century.  Looking outside this morning reminded me of the sixth book in the series, which describes the Ingalls family's long and difficult winter in the Dakota Territory.  It made me glad that we're sitting here in a warm house instead of shivering with Pa and Laura out in the sub-zero temperatures of the woodshed, twisting frozen hay into bundles for burning because we've run out of coal.

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