Thursday, May 24, 2012

To Ben, On His 1st Birthday

My Dear, Sweet, Benjamin,

Has it really been a year since you were born?!  I can hardly remember a time when you weren't a part of our family.  The year has flown by...probably partly because we've been chasing around your big sister too.

The first few weeks of your life were rough for all of us.  You cried all the time and couldn't be comforted.  We were moving to a new house and your daddy was working so hard to get it ready for us.  But then, when you were about 8 weeks old, something changed.  You became a happy, good natured, easy-going little baby.  And you (thankfully!) have been that way ever since!

There is so much to love about you, dear boy: how you wake up (a little early for me, but that's okay :) ) in a great mood, ready to play, how friendly you are to everyone who passes by, your awesome blonde hair, how you delight in everything Katie does, how consistent you are with your naps and nighttime sleep, how well you play by yourself, how your first word at 10-months was "hi", how active and yet snuggly you are, your adorable smile, how you play the same game (throwing your pacifier on the floor) every night (in true Witmer fashion) before bed, cracking yourself up, and I could go on and on.  I must note, too, that you are a terribly impatient eater, so much so that I had to stop nursing you at 10-months because you weren't getting your milk fast enough and you started biting.  Now you grab the bottle from our hands and start drinking immediately, before we can even sit down.  You love your food, especially avocado, and get cranky when you're hungry or don't get it fast enough.  I understand; I'm the same way :)

I hate to admit this, but when I found out I was pregnant with a boy I didn't know how I was going to handle it.  I only had sisters, and have mostly all girl friends.  But you are a boy, through and through, and I LOVE it!  I am so glad I am your mommy.  We love you so much, my joyful, sweet, fun, ridiculously cute little man.  Happy 1st Birthday!  

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ben's Stock Photography Shoot

In early March, my sister, Lauren, the kids and I took a trip to Jamie Grill Photography to do a stock photography shoot, just like we did with Katie when she was 6 months old.  It was so fun!  They had us do all sorts of shots; I'll post some of my favorites here.  Andrew was in New Orleans on an Alternative Spring Break trip with JMU students.  Maybe he can come along if we have a 3rd and do this again :)  We treasure these precious photos.  Please let me know if you see any in print!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Belly Laugh

No one makes Ben laugh like his big sister!!