Thursday, January 21, 2010

These Days

Our little Katie is growing up fast! She turned 10 weeks old on Tuesday and we just took her for her 2 month appointment this week. She now weighs about 12 pounds and is 23 1/2 inches long, putting her in the 75th percentile for height and weight. She continues to be a great nurser, but unfortunately not a great sleeper. I am still waking up at least 2 times every night but apparently this is normal for breastfed babies; her little tummy is still too small to hold enough to tide her over for the whole night. She is able to lift up her head for longer periods of time and is incredibly alert; she's always gazing intently around the room. Her eyes are a beautiful deep shade of blue and her smile still melts my heart. One thing that makes her smile and squeal in delight is when Andrew moves her arms and legs while making silly sounds, almost like rapping. She loves her daddy!

Katie really is a good-natured baby, not too fussy and very flexible. We feel so blessed that she is our little girl!


  1. She looks just like both of you! Such a wonderful combination. I'm so glad you are enjoying her so much. I remember when you were almost afraid to hold Andersen! Now you are a pro.
