Friday, January 1, 2010


One of Katie's favorite events is bath time.  She screams as we carry her from the changing table to the tub, but as she soon as she hits the water she quiets down.  She kicks her legs and flails her arms around, enjoying the warm water, the attention, the absence of clothes, and her friend the Fisher-Price whale tub (a gift from Maureen's former colleagues at WCAV).  

In the interests of modesty, we improvised some swimwear for these shots.  Katie didn't seem to mind, and we thought her grandmothers would approve.


  1. It looks like she's having a whale of a time!

  2. I wonder if there is a way to print out a blog and save it in the form of a book, because there is one little girl that would have a ball looking at this later in life.
