Saturday, July 30, 2011


Last Saturday we finally moved into our new house! For the past three months we have been totally transforming it. Andrew painted just about every room and did so many other projects. I'm so grateful for my hardworking husband! We've also had countless other jobs done- a new roof, new chimney liner, new kitchen counter tops, new carpet, etc. It has been a lot of work, especially with a newborn, but we are so happy with it. We are glad to be in it and done with (most of) the projects! I'll post some pictures soon.

Here are some recent pictures of the kids in the new house. It's hard to believe that Ben is already 2 months old. He's still not sleeping well at night but he is a lot less fussy during the day, which we are thankful for. He's even smiling and cooing! Check out his handsome blue eyes and Katie's crazy curly hair!


  1. what a handsome boy you have! we will be praying that he sleeps well for you...can't wait to see pictures of the house~ so happy that you are finally moved in!

  2. Thanks for the new pictures! Benjamin reminds me of my cousin Brent. I wonder if anyone else sees that resemblance. He is growing so fast...I can't wait to see him. I am sure your household is extra busy and exhausting in this season of life. Glad you are moved in and all the painting is done. So sorry that I could not help; my heart was there but not my hands. :(

  3. What a handsome boy he is becoming. He looks so strong and healthy. Glad to hear he is a bit more content during the day for you. as you know it takes time. Katie, well what can I say, i've been a fan for a long time!! She's beautiful.
