Thursday, April 21, 2011


Please forgive me, friends, for my slow posting these days. It is quite a busy time for us. Here are a few things that have been going on.

-We bought a house! We closed this past Monday and are so excited to be homeowners! It is a 5 minute walk to Andrew's office in one direction and a 5 minute walk to a great park in the other. We are so grateful for it and can't wait to get in there and start making it our own!

- I am just about 8 months pregnant. We are so excited to meet our little boy, who we decided to name Benjamin. It will be so fun to see how he's similar to and different from Katie. We know she will be a wonderful sister. I have been feeling really well but the uncomfortableness and tiredness has started to set in, hence the lack of blog posts :)

-Andrew's first year at JMU has been great. He's done a wonderful job and I'm so proud of him. He has been working so hard and we are glad that he will be "off" (he will be working mostly from home on his book) until the end of August! I, too, have started a job. I work 5-10 hours/week as the Marketing Coordinator for the Green Valley Book Fair. I am so fortunate to be able to work from home, doing something I enjoy, for a company I love. My boss is super flexible so I plan any meetings around the times when Andrew can work from home so Katie never has to be out of our care. The job has been an answer to prayer and a huge blessing for us.

-Katie is now 17 1/2 months old! She is really growing up and is definitely developing her own independent personality. To be honest, she's become much more of a handful just in the past few days. She knows what she wants but still doesn't have all the words to express it. We also think that she senses that something is about to change; we talk about her brother and the baby all the time. We know that it's natural for little ones to start testing their boundaries but it can be challenging at times. Overall though, she's a delight and brings us so much joy.

I am going to take a break from the blog until Baby Benjamin makes his appearance. We'll leave you with a great video I got of Katie today. You can sense her sweet, playful spirit. She's saying a bunch of's just hard to keep up with her to catch them! Thanks for reading and be sure to check back at the end of May/early June!


  1. you bought a house??? we are so out of the loop! lets catch up soon, before the baby comes. we are free most evenings, let us know what would work for you. love you and SOOOO excited about the house, can't wait to see pictures.

  2. moE! She laughs everytime you say baby! : ) so cute! She will be soo prepped if she ever sees my benjamin! He will feel very special! I miss you guys : ) <3 Aunt LOE!
