Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cave Time

Cave Time is a special time in the Witmer household. This is usually the time right after dinner when I'm cleaning up and Andrew constructs a cave out of blankets and pillows in the living room. This was one of his favorite things to do with his dad and brothers when he was little. Katie is never too sure at first (she's scared of the fringes on the blanket) and always cautiously approaches the opening a few times before going through. Sometimes she needs one of us to pave the way and go first. It's so cute to crawl through and look behind you to see her little, proud face making her way through too! Maybe she'll do this with her children one day!


  1. How sweet. When I saw the title of your post, I was thinking "man cave" ( where Andrew would retreat to study alone, but instead you are including your family!! Three cheers.

  2. precious, i hope she will pass it on to her kids one day! she is looking more and more like you maureen:)
