Sunday, February 14, 2010

Things Katie Resembles

We've spent a lot of time over the past few months talking about whether Katie more closely resembles Maureen or me, but we've also noticed that she sometimes looks like other people or things.  We thought you might enjoy seeing some of them.  So here are four things Katie resembles other than her parents.

Martial artist and 1970s film icon Bruce Lee

A startled prairie dog

Magician David Copperfield doing his goofy hand gestures

Winston Churchill


  1. This may, in fact, be the most hilarious baby-related blog post ever. Seriously. I don't know how long you spent putting that together (or, for that matter, where on earth you got the time) but I thank you for it. Hilarious!

    Plus, Katie is adorable in all the shots. And she looks far better than Churchill ever did.

  2. I would have to agree with AJT--one of the funniest posts I've ever read! How do you come up with this stuff? What I do love is that you're obviously having fun as parents and with the camera--praise God!

    Hope you have a wonderful day--God bless~
