Friday, November 20, 2009


Katie is now ten days old and what a ten days it has been! Besides still being confused about nighttime and daytime she is doing really well. She is a great nurser, which has been a huge blessing and answer to prayer. We had a doctor's appointment yesterday and she has already surpassed her birth weight, weighing in at over 8 pounds!

We've also been so blessed by our families and the families in our community group at church bringing us gluten free meals almost every night. Although it's sometimes hard to see through the fog of exhaustion, we are so blessed!

A visit from the Huffmans!

Striking a pose

Our happy (and exhausted) little family

1 comment:

  1. She is adorable! I am looking forward to seeing her. I'm so glad you are being well taken care of by your church. Hope you get some sleep. Karlen seems to be up at night with little Johnny Abe too!
