Friday, October 16, 2009

Pregnancy Pro and Con

Let me begin by saying that there are no real "cons" to being pregnant. I mean, who can complain when God chooses to intervene in your life by blessing you with one of life's greatest miracles? But pregnancy is 9 months filled with many physical and emotional changes. One minute you're ecstatic because you felt your little one move and the next you're crying because of the commercial you heard on the radio. Many of you have experienced these highs and lows but for those of you who haven't yet here is (from my experience) what you have to look forward to:

  • Aching back, legs and feet from lugging around the extra weight
  • Dribbling toothpaste on your belly when you're brushing your teeth in the morning
  • Feeling your child kick your ribs throughout the day
  • A good night's sleep is almostly certainly interrupted by numerous trips to the bathroom
  • Thinking about the labor- Will the pain be unbearable? Will everything go smoothly? How will I know it's time to go to the hospital?
  • Random strangers coming up to you and sharing their stories (like the woman who told me that the epidural numbed her from the waist up instead of the waist down, or the woman who stopped me in the Target parking lot to tell me that the doctors didn't numb her enough and she felt the whole C-Section...not very encouraging)
Pros (and please take note that there are far more pros than cons)-
  • Hearing your child's heartbeat for the first time. Amazing.
  • You're always deserving of a good backrub
  • You have an excuse to eat whatever you want (but honey, the baby needs this ice cream! It's calcium!)
  • People treat you differently and are especially kind. Almost anyone will go out of their way to hold the door for you and today my hairdresser wouldn't accept my tip! She said that it was an early birthday present for Katie!
  • Cute pregnancy clothes
  • Seeing your family's and friends' excitement about your child. My little sister Leanne is constantly touching, kissing, taking pictures of, and talking to my belly! I love it!
  • The first ultrasound where you can see her little hands and feet. I could not stop crying with joy.
  • Feeling her move throughout the day
  • Buying adorable little girl dresses
  • Thinking about and praying about what she's going to be like, what she's going to look like, what she's going to be passionate about, etc.
  • Nicer skin and thicker hair
  • Feeling the constant love and support of family and friends through prayers, phone calls, emails, baby showers, etc.
  • Thinking about the labor- we get to meet and hold our little girl for the first time!
Thanks for walking beside us through this joyous time. We are so grateful for you!

Katie's ultrasound- 19 weeks

28 weeks/ 6 1/2 months pregnant

36 weeks/ 8 months pregnant

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